Symposium Program
Download a PDF version of the program here.
Please note that minor changes may be made. If you have questions or concerns about the program, please get in touch.
Day 1 (9/26)
AM: |
・Introductions |
・Keynotes |
・Oral/Poster/Exhibition Sessions |
PM: |
・Oral/Poster/Exhibition Sessions |
Evening: |
・Reception |
Day 2 (9/27)
AM: |
・Oral/Poster/Exhibition Sessions |
Day 3 (9/28)
Please note that due to the distance of OIST from Okinawa’s major airport (a 1.5 hr drive) we suggest arriving in Okinawa September 25 or earlier.
Overall Schedule
Reception (9/26)
A reception to welcome guests to Okinawa and foster communication and networking will take place on the evening of September 26. We hope you will be able to attend. Moon Beach Hotel is the reception venue.
Optional OTEC / DSW Industry Tour (9/28)
An optional tour of the Okinawa OTEC Demonstration Facility and related deep seawater industries has been organized on Kumejima. Transportation on Kumejima between hotel and tour sites will be provided. Hotel and Airfare should be booked separately. Registration for the coordinated "hotel pack" has closed.
We suggest booking directly through JAL at If you require assistance in booking a hotel on Kumejima please let us know.
Current destinations for the tour include:
Keynote Profiles
Luis Vega | Renewable Energy Consultant
Topic: Strategy for the Next Stage of Worldwide OTEC Development
Luis Vega holds degrees in Applied Mathematics, Aerospace Engineering and Applied Ocean Sciences from the US Naval Academy, CALTECH and the University of California. His professional experience ranges from analytical studies to laboratory scale and model basin tests as well as at-sea tests of marine renewable energy equipment. He lead the team that designed and tested two Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) experimental plants (210 kW OC-OTEC and 50 kW CC-OTEC) demonstrating 24/7 production of electricity and desalinated-water and obtaining operational data required for estimating realistic costs of production. He has also worked in electrification of remote villages in South Pacific Island Nations utilizing solar and wind resources and establishing a Rural Energy Service Company in the nation of Fiji.
Previously, he managed the Hawaii National Marine Renewable Energy Center (HINMREC) at the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) of the University of Hawaii. HINMREC supports the US Navy at the Wave Energy Test Site located at Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) in facilitating the development and implementation of commercial wave energy systems. Another objective of HINMREC is to assist the private sector move ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems beyond proof-of-concept to pre-commercialization (
Hyeon-Ju Kim | Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering
Topic: 1MW OTEC in Korea and Kiribati
Current Positions
Principal Researcher, Offshore Plant and Marine Energy Research Division, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO); Project Manager of the Korean OTEC program; Vice Chairman, The Korean Society for Power System Engineering; Member of board of directors, The Korean Society for Marine Environment and Energy, The Korean Society of Ocean Engineering; etc.
Academic / Professional Career
- Bachelor, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Pukyung National University
- Master in Eng, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Pukyong National University
- Ph. Doctor, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, Pukyong National University
- Project Manager, Multi-purpose Development of Deep Seawater (2000~2008)
- Project manager, Utilization Technology of Deep Seawater Energy for OTEC & SWAC (2010~2015)
- Project Manager, Development of 1MW OTEC Demonstration Plant (2016~)
Development and Utilization of Deep Ocean Water (2005, New Technology Press Center), Ocean Energy Engineering (2015, Dasom Press Center), Thermoeconomic Analysis of an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plant (Renewable Energy, 2016), etc.
Masayuki Takahashi | Deep Ocean Water Applications Society
Topic: The Status and Potential of Deep Ocean Water Use
Current Positions
Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo (2004~) and Kochi University (2009~), President of the Deep Ocean Water Applications Society (2008~), President of the Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association (Foundation, 2015~), Director of the Japan Science Society (Foundation, 1985~), President of the Japan Science Service (NPO Foundation, 2004~), Director of the Marine Ecology Research Institute (Foundation, 2016~), Director of the Global Ocean Resource and Energy Association (Foundation, 2014~), Advisor of the Research Institute for Ocean Economics (Foundation, 2006~), Advisor for the Shiretoko-Rausu Deep Seawater Association (2008~)
Academic / Professional Career
- March 1970; Graduated Tokyo Kyoiku University (Dept. of Botany, Doctor program, Graduate School)
- March 1970; PhD (Tokyo Kyoiku University)
- September 1970; Post-doctoral fellow invited by the National Research Council of Canada, Nanaimo Biological Station, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
- September 1972; Post-doctoral fellow, Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B. C., Canada
- July 1973; Senior scientist, CEPEX Field Station, Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia, Sidney, B. C., Canada
- April 1977; Associate professor, Institute of Biological Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
- April 1985; Associate professor, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan
- April 1995; Professor, Dept. Systems Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo, Japan
- March 2004; Mandatory retirement as professor of University of Tokyo (Professor emeritus of University of Tokyo, 15 June 2004)
- April 2004; Professor, Graduate School of Kuroshio Science, Kochi University, Kochi Japan
- March 2009; Mandatory retirement as professor of Kochi University, Professor emeritus of Kochi University
- October 1, 2011-September 30, 2012; Visiting professor, Asia-Pacific Ocean Research Center, National Sun-Yatsen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Original papers, 156 ; Review papers, 135; Miscellaneous papers, 453; Books (major author), 13; Books (Editor and author), 18; Books (multiple authors), 60; Lectures, 521.
Related Events
9th Okinawa Hawaii Ocean Energy and Economic Development Symposium
Gushikawa Community Center, Kumejima, Okinawa
**This event has been cancelled (by organizer Okianwa Prefecture) due to Typhoon 1824.** Under the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry, the United States Department of Energy, Okinawa Prefecture, and the State of Hawai’i, to develop and deploy clean and renewable energies as the “Hawaii Okinawa Clean Energy Cooperation” in June 2010, there have been multiple activities focusing on the possibility of cooperative projects relating to the introduction of clean energy. One of the projects in accordance with this partnership is the ocean energy symposium, held annually since 2010. Click for details.
Kumejima Hawaiian Festival
Kumejima Hawaiian Festival Executive Committee
**This event has been cancelled due to Typhoon 1824.**The annual Kumejima Hawaiian Festival takes place every year at two of Kumejima's three resort hotels. The evenings are inspired by Hawaii with food, Hula, and more. More information at
Kumejima Kona 7th Sister Island Anniversary Ceremony
**This event has been cancelled due to Typhoon 1824.**