10th International OTEC Symposium

The International OTEC Symposia have taken place since 2013, each time hosted by a separate organizing committee in each host country. The Ocean Thermal Energy Association (OTEA) guides the overall organization of these events from 2020.

The 10th International OTEC Symposium took place December 4-5, 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in cooperation with other Brazilian Universities and institutions hosted the event with support from SOBENA (Brazilian Society of Naval Engineering).

The venue for this year’s event will be the Windsor Florida Hotel.

Details and Registration is available on the SOBENA website: https://sobena.org/inscricao/decimo-simposio-internacional-sobre-conversao-de-energias-termicas-no-oceano-otec


The Program is now available to view at: http://otecsymposium.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/OTEC10-Program-OTEA-1.pdf


December 4:

  • 8:00 Registration/Networking
  • 9:00 Welcome and Day 1
  • 17:30 Day 1 Closing
  • 18:00 Reception

December 5:

  • 8:30-9:30 Registration/Networking
  • 9:30~17:00 Day 2

December 6: Visit to OTEC Demonstration Site (LABOCEANO and LENO at UFRJ)


  • SOBENA Society Members: R$60
  • Non-Members: R$160
  • Non-Member Students: R$50
  • Tour: A nominal fee may be charged for the tour (under adjustment)


Registration is Closed.

Organizing Committee

Each year, the International OTEC Symposium is hosted and organized by a local committee with support from the OTEA Secretariat. We are pleased to share the distinguished members of this year’s local committee:

Prof. Joel Sena Sales Jr. – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Chairman)

Prof. Joel Sena Sales Jr. – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Chairman)

D.Sc. in Ocean Engineering (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Master in Science in Ocean Engineering, Bachelor in Naval Architecture at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. With more than 15 years of experience in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Specialist on Hydrodynamic analysis of the motions of ships and offshore structures. Has been working with model tests for 20 years, having participated on projects of Moored systems, DP systems and on energy devices. My main research subjects are uncertainty analysis and dimensional analysis, experimental techniques for hydrodynamics, instrumentation of model tests and computational analysis of floating systems. Director at LOC – Laboratory for Waves and Currents – COPPE, at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the Quality Systems Group of the International Towing Tank Conference, as specialist in Uncertainty Analysis. Member of the International Ship Structures Conference (ISSC). Adjunt Director of the Brazilian Society of Naval Architects (SOBENA).

Armando Hideki Shinohara – Professor at Federal University of Pernambuco

Graduate at Engenharia Mecânica from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1986), master’s at Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1990) and ph.d. at Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais from University Of Tohoku (1994). Has experience in Material and Metallurgical Engineering, focusing on Ceramics, acting on the following subjects: synthetic and natural quartz, saxs, x-ray topography and digital radiography.

Prof. Segen Farid Estefen – General Director – National Institute for Ocean Research (INPO)

Graduation at Engenharia Civil from Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (1973), master’s at Naval and Oceanic Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1976) and doctorate at Engenharia Civil from Imperial College London – South Kensington Campus (1984). He is currently member advisory committee ooae division- asme at Ocean Offshore And Arctic Engineering Division. Has experience in Naval and Oceanic Engineering, focusing on Naval and Oceanic Structures, acting on the following subjects: dutos submarinos, pipelines, sandwich pipes, risers and ocean renewable energy devices.

Prof. Kazuo Nishimoto – Professor at University of São Paulo

Holds an undergraduate degree in Naval and Ocean Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1979), a master’s degree in Naval and Ocean Engineering from Yokohama National University (1982), and a doctorate in Naval and Ocean Engineering from the University of Tokyo (1985). Currently, he is a full professor at the University of São Paulo. His specialization is in Naval and Ocean Engineering, with an emphasis on Hydrodynamics and the Design of Ships and Ocean Systems. However, his work has increasingly focused on integrating various engineering knowledge and basic sciences as the founder of the Numerical Test Tank (TPN), primarily in the areas of Numerical Simulation of Ocean Systems Dynamics and the Development of New Ocean Systems. Recently, he established a new research center under the FAPESP/CPA program—the Offshore Technology Innovation Centre (OTIC) in collaboration with Shell, with a primary focus on developing future ocean systems, emphasizing decarbonization and digital transformation.